whatever the mahi is, do it justice.


We’re about to wrap up this theme as we head into Whiro in a few days.. and what a cycle it’s been. Not just since the last new moon, but now I think about it, this whole winter season. At large, it’s been a time of sowing seeds, putting in that work to clear away the weeds and overgrowth, preparing the soil and creating the ideal space for the little seedlings to take root and now……….. hohhh them little sprouts are beginning to show…

slow progress is still progress y’all, remember that.

As I think about the different roles I have; being a daughter, sister, partner, learner, fulfilling a job role, blogger and just being one of the many expressions of the universe… I go on to pull apart the meaning of it, what affects my ability to do the role well, why the role is important, how I could do it better, is it worth fulfilling, what impact does it have in the bigger scheme of things.. I find I’ve come full circle, in a way. A little wiser, perhaps. Emphasis on the ‘perhaps.’

This is the beauty of wānanga (deliberation, sharing of ideas) and after the last few months, it’s reaffirmed how we prescribe life its meaning. Yeah there’s layers to it and maybe the options to choose from are sometimes limited, but there is always the option to decide what life means.

With that being said — life is full of different roles. I’ve mentioned some above, but whatever roles we undertake, they must be done well. We’ve gotta show up and live into that role the best we can,

we’ve gotta do it justice.

We must decide to generate the energy, joy, passion and excitement and infuse that into whatever roles we might have. That is realising potential. Or part of it anyway, and perhaps the most HUGEST part in my opinion. Because it’s all internal. It’s wrestling with yourself about what you know you must do and doing it, even when you don’t feel like it. It’s reprogramming old habits and processes, it’s healing past traumas, ridding yourself from anything and anyone that might distract you (with love), it’s levelling up,

it’s being self-determining.

And refusing to be dictated by others. It’s deciding how we’re going to conduct ourselves and live into the legacies our tupuna (ancestors) left for us. That way, whenever we get our Tāne on and pursue whichever path we choose to pursue — the climb is already completed. All that’s left for us to do, is return from Tikitikiorangi and maximise the tāonga (gifts) stored within them.*

Essentially, once we’ve liberated ourselves from ourselves (detrimental thoughts, beliefs, behaviours etc.), we take ownership of how we conduct ourselves and don’t rely on our roles or mahi to satisfy us or blame the external thing for not sparking the passion anymore. Once we’ve balanced out the intangible, inner, Te Kore space, the whakapapa will align. This means that our ability to fulfil whichever role we take on, will be the physical manifestation of what’s going on inside.

So whatever the mahi is, do it justice.

Tēnā tātou,


*To give some context if you don’t know, Tāne (atua of light, pursuit of knowledge, forest) ascended to Tikitikiorangi (Uppermost Heaven) to retrieve baskets of knowledge. In doing so, he realised his potential, met Io (God, Allah, consciousness, energy..), returned to the physical realm and created the human element. 1000000 years later, here we are.


So disconnected from Rongo, I can’t even hear myself think


become the best version of yourself, for what?