creation is a long process; destruction included *for free*


We’re coming out of Whiro (new moon) phases which brought with them some good reflections and shifts, in particular about where we’re heading to next on our wānanga (internalisation, discussions).

We’re going to take on the separation pūrākau (story) which I did mention about two months ago is where we should’ve started, but anywayyy…. steps in creation could look like you’re back at the beginning but in actual fact, you’re circling back with extra wisdom to go at it again from a different perspective or appreciation. Yeah, that’s what we’ll go with!

I anticipate this kōrero will go on for longer than the one cycle (peep the title) since there’s a lot to cover and give context to. From; the beginning of time, to Ranginui and Papatuanuku (sky and earth, primordial parents) coming to be, te ira atua (their children) being born, Uepoto’s discovery of a new reality, the literal separation and the aftermath as well.

Our first example of how,

creation is a loooong process.

We’re still living that separation story today! With the creation of a new world each moment we take a breath, we’re creating new realities, new possibilities as well as playing out our role in the creation story that began aeons ago. The one that began with separation.

With destruction of what was and what used to be. Obliteration of old parameters and signposts of where the ends of comfort zones, what’s possible and the ‘known’ once stood.

The game changed with “Tihei mauri ora!” when Tāne and Hineahuone exchanged the breath of life through the hongi and te ira tangata (humankind) was born. But the original game manufacturing facility was built for the separation of heaven and earth, Rangi and Papa.

So as a starting point, this is a truth our future wānanga will be based on — creation is a loooong process. Know that. Trust that.

We’re here today because of a long line of whakapapa (genealogy) that stretches back to the separation and beyond — and I don’t even think we’re our tupuna’s wildest dreams! That’s still in the process of being created! More on this later on, but what I mean is we’re still part of the dream being created, we’re still living the separation, we’re still becoming ourselves and who we’re meant to be.

And in turn — unbecoming what we’re not.

Shedding away layers, beliefs, behaviours and otherwise that won’t serve us in the worlds for which we’re charting our course.

So, create! And as you do, destroy the redundant, unnecessary as you go.

Tēnā tātou,



you have the solution, you know what to do - but what's the point without action?


pounamu is still pounamu, regardless of the form it takes.