is effort contribution enough? yes, and no.


What has the journey, what has the pursuit required from you? Oooooh what a wānanga (internalisation, reflection) that was last week, how’d you go with it? It was particular to the reo Māori, ao Māori (language, worldview and cultural) reclamation and revitalisation efforts but applies to pretty much everything.

And we can be forgiven for focusing on what we gain from an experience. I mean that’s where all the emphasis is put,

  • ‘what was your main takeaway?

  • what did you learn?

  • what was the high/lowlight? etc.’

  • then it’s alright, analysis done now move onto the next…

We consume information, wisdom from experiences (hopefully lol) and knowledge — but do we put the same energy into what we leave behind, what we contribute back?

For ages I used to look at the stars and wonder, ‘what are they communicating to me?’ look at them shining bright all beautiful and tranquil, emitting their light down to us, for us… then came the thought, well what am I emitting back? What am I communicating to those tupuna (ancestors) all the way up there? What impact do I have on them? Hmm…

Take the kete (baskets), the knowledge and wānanga contained within for another example, was something left in their place at Tikitikiorangi (Uppermost 12th Heaven)? Or if those were the only three, what did Tāne give in order to receive?

Was it the ascent itself?

Was the pursuit; the effort, the perseverance, the resilience, the teamwork (with Tāwhiri), the courage in battle (v Whiro and Te Aitanga a Pēpeke) contribution enough?

It’s SO easy to get lost thinking about contribution, especially when it comes to big kaupapa, movements and causes.

But like Matua Shrek always used to say, and I’m paraphrasing here hah, there’s layers to it. A hierarchy if you will, like kawa*; the natural order of existence from the metaphysical and celestial, down to their physical expression, to mankind.

At a basic level and interpretation of this pūrākau, or anybody’s entry level into their pursuit — the ascent, the effort, the pursuit or in some cases just showing up is the contribution. That’s the give back.

Then as you become more worldly and wise in your experiences and newfound māramatanga (understanding) of yourself and of the world, you develop capacity to give more, whatever that looks like. You refine your effort and expand on it — as the pūrākau allows for deeper and more extensive levels of interpretation as well.

But you’ve got to be where you are, first.

Honour the whakapapa, the process of pursuing something and know that there are different phases (of contribution) for different phases (of kaupapa).

Show up first.

Put in the effort you can.

The rest of the pūrākau will unfold accordingly and with it, the spaces and opportunities for other methods of contribution. But to start, be exactly where you are.

Tēnā tātou,


*Te Arawa kawa. Context for this example is Papaahurewa, the spiritual metaphysical whenua or land is number five; with Te Whenua, the physical land/earth further down at 19 or 20.


purpose: what are you called to do and will you heed the call?


What has the pursuit of reclaiming te reo Māori required from you?