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The enemy of 'best' is 'good', so how do you break 'good' habits to get 'better' ones

This haerenga (journey) of building a business has been nothing short of mind blowing, eye-opening, character-building and then some.. It has revealed many gaps in my knowledge, not only about business and marketing but about myself as well. I realised I had inefficient systems  pretty early on for my blog content, and the more I thought about how to implement something, I uncovered the problem wasn't limited to my writing; it reflected the lack of structure in my life in general.

"Make it Happen." 

So, I'd become aware of the fact I had to improve in this department, but was stuck on how to change or what to change to?

Off the cuff, going with the flow, that sounds like a bit of me. That’s what I know, what I'm familiar with. And I have to admit this approach has served me well over the years to get ‘Up There, But Not Quite There.’* I don’t know if you’re familiar with this place, but it gets old, real quick.

I felt ready for more, like it was time to transcend from the space I’d been comfortable in for so long, to put myself out there and get on with serving my purpose of being here on Papatuanuku (earth). I’m here (good but not great-town) and I want to get over there (cracked it-ville). To get there, I must do/think/process/assess differently, which comes from exposing myself to new knowledge/information and ways of applying/executing.

I’m good with that, can’t do the same thing and expect different results can we, although I will try six or seven times, just to be sure… Recently, I’ve adopted the kīwaha (saying), “the enemy of best is good.” My habits have got me to good, but I want more! I want to be my best in every way I can. I must continue to unlearn certain behaviours to allow space for new and better habits to grow and yield my 'best' results.

The process has been easy in some areas, a massive struggle in others and as a result of unbecoming what and who I was: I feel alive, I feel like I'm exactly where I'm meant to be doing what I'm meant to be doing, it’s become a lowkey obsession. What used to be super important to me and how I would define myself, have become near obsolete. I’m still in Kohanga Reo (kindergarten), figuring it all out piece by piece, and when I think I know a thing or two, I come across a new piece of info that proves how much I don’t. I love it!

To continue progressing towards self-mastery and pursuing my passions in the best way possible, I’ve decided this recipe needs more structure, a decision made at the current level of self-awareness and understanding I have. I could be way off, but this decision is right for me in the sense that if it weren't, I'd make a different decision.

Cool, I’ve got ‘what’ (structure) and ‘why’ (to pursue 'best') which were easy, now for ‘how.’ How do I implement a structure that encompasses ‘Hana’ and what I’m about; that provides the structure I’m after to keep me on task but with enough space for me to express creative freedom? This is what I’ve come up with, a first step which will be treated to the ‘just do it - adjust and assess as you go’ treatment - the Hana? just go with it..

A Nutella jar starts its journey as a simple jar, then it is filled with goodness and that goodness is shared: process.

A new moon is upon us! With it comes new learnings, challenges, opportunities and stuff to focus on. Each moon cycle will bring with it new kaupapa (themes) and we'll explore different applications and viewpoints of those kaupapa to gain an in-depth, meaningful understanding of it and of ourselves.

The first kaupapa to go under the knife is; TRANSFORMATION. Fitting, because implementing structures and systems is a massive transformation and change for me. A shift in the way I think, process and plan, in order to produce a different outcome from what I’ve been getting. An evolution, from a simple vehicle to an autobot. I’m not Optimus Prime yet, but the changes I’ve been making have shown some results which have become addictive. The change is sometimes painful, but necessary. Change is good..

The transformation of our bodies, homes, minds, lifestyles, the list goes on... they all undergo a transition to get from A to B. "Before and after..."

How does the incentive and will to change occur? Where does the drive come from? This whaakaro (thought) might provide some insight,

ʻA consciousness of wrongdoing is the first step to salvation.’

- Pāpā Epicurus. Te Arawa.

If a person is not aware that they are doing anything wrong, there is no desire to be put right. You have to catch yourself at fault before you can reform. If you aren't aware that you have a problem, have ineffective methods, could be doing things a better way, do those problems exist? Or is your problem self-awareness? For example; if you solve a math problem yet answer differently to what’s in the textbook, but you’re convinced the book is wrong and you’re right.. A shift must take place, you have to become aware that a calculation in your formula was off. You must recognise something in your Basic example, but the underlying theme still applies; for a transformation to occur, you must reflect on your thoughts, actions and processes and audit their performance to identify what needs to go, how to do better etc. in order to achieve your goals.

How do you recognise your wrongs if you’re not aware of them, or don’t know what they look like? 

For a long time, I thought I could get away with how I was doing things and still achieve my goals. What I thought was enough, was inconsistent with what was required as a minimum for entry level to what I wanted to be - hence why I'd often get 'up there but not quite..' Only in the last few years did I become aware I was doing this, and begin to make changes to get out of my own way. I became aware of and recognised the ways I was shooting myself in the foot, sabotaging my chances. I felt relieved to discover what the problem was but also disheartened that it was me all along. I'm everything I've learned and more, so I accept and appreciate my ignorance and unawareness had a role to play and culminated in who I am today. It's process, it's growth, it's disheartening at times but it's worth it. Knowing yourself, how you act/react, behave, make decisions - is a freedom beyond my ability to describe. 

The only constant in life is change. We're born as a pēpi (baby) and grow to one day nan and koro (grandad). Even the mightiest trees start off as tiny seeds, no one starts out at the top. You have to work your way up. Or you could be aware that what you’re doing won’t get you where you want to go and not do anything about it. All I have to say about that is, “don’t complain about the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do." 

So here's to TRANSFORMATION, to change (cheers, with my cup of delicious Aussie water) and to growth. It takes courage, objective honesty and humility, but the freedom that comes with it, is worth more than I can fathom.

Ngā mihi!


* The almost person. "She almost got the job, made the team... almost but never quite got over the line"