there's a wave coming


A wave of hope, of change, of new energy, new life. Do you feel it? If it is just me, I need to figure out how to share this feeling with you lol because it makes me feel alive. obviously felt good and alive before and have all the warm fuzzy feels about our people, our potential for greatness, being self-determining, self-actualising and not just the individual ‘self’ but the people. Us. Our communities. We. Together…

One way I’d describe the feeling is, as if there’s been a drought of the spirit without us realising it and the rains have come through, and Ihorangi (atua/personification of rain) doing what Ihorangi does, has been nourishing the land

to quench its thirst — one it didn’t even know it had.

And now that the rain has come and washed over the land, washed away crops of doubt, helped germinate seeds of hope and purified hearts along the way…. or started the purification process at least hahaha it feels like there’s a wave coming.

Adding to the sequence of other waves that have risen and and fallen before it and those still to come, dancing atop the moana (ocean). it’s got me thinking about the different ways we’ve covered wai (water) over the last cycle and its different characteristics, structure, states and role in our lives.

From ritual and ceremony, to cleansing and purifying, to nourishing and hydrating, to its efficiency to find any space if on a downward flow,

to it being the super highway our tupuna (ancestors) used to circumnavigate Te Moana Nui a Kiwa.

Then, linking that up with the kōrero we shared in last week’s post to do with our chemical makeup of over 70% water and the memories stored in water — it remembers. What does all of this mean for our health and wellness ? If anything, for me it’s revealed more of those dark spaces that are unknown, it’s exposed more areas that I need to learn more about.

In addition to that though, it’s reaffirmed how important wai is and how vital is it to engage with my tupuna in as many different ways as possible. From drinking and hydrating with wai Māori, to cleansing and holding ceremony, to exerting the wai through physical activity, to bathe in ngāwhā and waiariki (hot springs) and awa (rivers) and moana. To engage with these tupuna a lot more frequently and consistently.

There’s a wave coming. For me, it’s a wave of change as I learn more about myself and dive a little bit deeper into myself — I expand and extend further out as well.

Did you know, one of the way waves form is through an interaction between the body of water and Tāwhirimātea (atua of wind), and what do you know.. that’s the next topic we’re transitioning into over the next cycle. #whakapapa lol I’ve been learning about how ocean waves are created by energy passing through wai,

how as Tāwhiri crosses the surface of the moana, that interaction creates a wave crest. the energy moves through the water.

In the same way the expression of Tāwhiri in our tinana moves through us? Us who are made up of mostly water…. #whakapapa

Tēnā tātou,



the breath of life: how tihei mauri ora changed everything


water has memory, and we're over 70% water so...