The beauty of darkness and space

There’s beauty in darkness and space and their role in the process.

In the whakapapa (genealogy) of creation; there is Te Kore, which technically means ‘the nothingness,’ but there is never nothing in life. Therefore, Te Kore means the space, the formless, the thought, the realm of possibilities, the infinite potential.

This potential manifests and evolves into, Te Pō, the darkness, the night. Here, things begin to transform from formless to take on form, to organise and assemble for the next stage in the process, Te Ao Marama, the world of light. The world as we know it.

This process applies to everything. For example:

 idea (formless, potential) > develops (transforms, takes on form) > created (realisation)

A seed is planted, the tree grows, it comes to fruition. Metal is sourced, it undergoes modifications, a car is the result, and so on...

Learn to understand and appreciate the 'empty' space, and the darkness for they are necessary to actualising and realising potential and bringing it to light.


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